It’s Official!

The RETROvan™ is official now. I finally got my registration and custom plates today. I still can’t believe they were available, especially here in Oregon where anything “RETRO” is cherished.

The RETROvan will be used to represent my software business in a marketing and advertising capacity. I will work in it as a home and mobile office, and occasionally host clients in it for the purposes of growing and maintaining my business. The RETROvan may also be used as a showpiece for any future business involving or documenting the restoration and retrofitting of vintage vehicles.

The front bumper had no screw holes so I had to drill my own through 3/16″ steel. It took forever to sneak up on a bit size where the frame’s cheap screws would hold without stripping. Even the small tasks catch you by surprise. And there’s nothing more frustrating than a stripped screw that won’t budge!

I checked in again with Ted King at Portland Engine Rebuilders and gave him the go-ahead to send my cracked intake manifold out for re-welding. That’s done in a furnace, which will deform the iron. So it has to be re-machined afterward. He says it should be done next week and cost up to $450. But at this point, I don’t have any choice because our replacement searches came up empty.

My cabinetry plywood arrives tomorrow so I’m shopping for pocket screw jigs, and settled on this highly-rated Kreg bundle for quality joinery.

I’m also getting closer to a final design for the galley cabinetry.


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