SHOT 403

Vonky puts a very special album on her Barbie Princess record player so Kim and Dennis can sing along.

This prop actually turns, blinks and plays a Disney song. I customized it a bit with a photo of Ivanka playing dress-up.

In order to capture the rotation and blinky light, I had to make the song play over and over again while shooting this lengthy scene. Oh boy, did that get annoying.

And quite by accident, I discovered that if I slowed its song way down, it complemented Rocket Man in such a creepy way. So that became part of the score, along with Dennis & Kim’s torturous duet.

SHOT 412

This is another one of my super fun Splatter Shots, which made all the menial animation work worth it.

This time, as Kim gives the “BOOM!” signal to Vonky, Dennis takes an axe to Carmen’s brain. And again, I flipped all eight colors of neon paint from the brain and onto Kim with one or two exposures per color.

Shots 411 and 412 get intercut a few times for effect.

SHOT 410

While Kim looms over Dennis, Vonky finishes her preparation on the laptop.

By now the battery in that desk lamp was running on fumes. It was also a major pain because with every slightest bump, I had to reset it with an onionskin assist in Dragonframe.

SHOT 407

The duet is now in full swing, up to the line “I miss my wife.” So here we introduce the remains of Rodman’s former wife, Carmen Electra.

Yep it’s clear that Dennis loved her, and misses her. But it’s not clear what happened to her. And again, whose bones are littering Dennis’ cage?

So many questions.

That’s a creepy little prop that I painted in neon, in sort of a Mexican sugar skull style. I also set some plastic diamonds in her eye sockets to catch whatever light I could. See if you can spot that during her close-ups, especially in a later Act.