Microsoft Windows Division

1 Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052
from January 1997

Imaging User Experience Team
Program Manager

  • Longhorn (now Windows Vista) — Scanner & Camera Wizard, Photo Printing Wizard, Windows Picture & Fax Viewer, View as Slide Show, My Pictures Screen Saver, Camera Namespace, WIA (Windows Imaging Architecture) Common Dialogs, other miscellaneous Imaging UI
  • Windows XP

Windows User Experience Team
Program Manager under Joe Belfiori

  • Windows XP — User Experience, File Management, Sharing UI & Media Storage (My Documents, My Pictures, My Music)
  • Redshark & NepTunes (FileCenter prototypes for IUI design) — User Experience, File Management & Sharing UI
  • Windows 2000 — User Experience, Active Desktop & Web View
  • Internet Explorer 4.0 & Windows 98 — Web View coverage of 16 folders

During my 6½ years at Microsoft, I was generally responsible for writing and reviewing feature specs, collaborating on interaction design, presenting feature set proposals, conducting and reviewing usability testing, driving development, bug triaging, and final delivery of key Windows GUI features on schedule. As a program manager, I worked closely with a team of graphic designers, usability specialists, user assistance specialists, software engineers, testers and other managers to design and build great software for Windows customers. I was recognized for pioneering new methods of IUI (Inductive User Interface) prototyping and usability testing within the Windows division.

The Backstory

Coming soon…