The Checklist

Lyrics from Blaspheme by tOdd

Do you deny the existence
Of thousands of silly gods
But are outraged when someone
Denies the existence of yours?

Check! You might be a Christian.

Are you insulted when scientists say
We evolved from other lifeforms
But somehow it’s okay when the Bible says
You were made from dirt and a spare rib?

Check! You might be a Christian.

Are you outraged by Allah’s atrocities
But your god gets a free pass
For slaughtering all the babies in Egypt
And ordering up genocide and rape?

Check! You might be a Christian.

Do you laugh at Hindu and Greek gods
But it’s okay for yours to impregnate a virgin
Who gave birth to a man-god who died,
Came back to life and flew up into the sky?

Check! You might be a Christian.

Do you grasp for scientific loopholes
To debunk the proven age of the Earth
But believe some Bronze Age goat herders
Who guessed it was a few centuries old?

Check! You might be a Christian.

Do you believe everyone else on the planet
Will spend eternity suffering in Hell
But somehow your religion is
The most tolerant and loving of them all?

Check! You might be a Christian.

While modern science has utterly failed
To convince you otherwise,
Some convulsing idiot spewing gibberish
Is all the evidence you need

Check! You might be a Christian.

Do you think 1% is a high success rate
When it comes to answered prayers?
And do you think the remaining 99% failure
Was simply the will of god?

Check! You might be a Christian.

Do you scoff at other polytheists
But you believe in the Holy Trinity?
And do you know less than many atheists do
About history, the Bible and Christianity…

But you still call yourself a Christian?

Check, please.

Copyright 2016 by tOdd. All rights reserved.

Snake handler W. R. Tinker standing beside sign announcing his revival meeting. (Photo by Francis Miller, Time Life Pictures and Getty Images)